Any routine consisting of five (5) or more acro tricks.
Any routine consisting of classical or contemporary ballet movements and technique.
Ballet Variation
Any routine that is choreography directly from a professional ballet production and is not their teacher's own choreography/interpretation of a ballet piece.
*Ballet variations are not eligible for choreography awards.
Character Ballet
Any routine consisting of classical or contemporary ballet movements used to portray a story or a character.
Cheer Dance
A routine combining cheerleading and dance, including solo, partner and group stunts. May or may not include vocalization. There is no limit to acro tricks in this category.
Freestyle contemporary dance and technique. No more than four (4) acro tricks.
Hip Hop
Freestyle dance and music. (Street dance, break dancing, funk, popping and locking, etc) No more than four (4) acro tricks.
Dancers take the stage one at a time to perform an improvised solo to music selected by Wanna Dance Canada. Dancers select their musical style when registering and can choose from Ballet, Jazz, Contemporary/Lyrical or Hip Hop. Dancers may perform in any style of their choosing and are judged on musicality, movement, and creativity. Judges will select their top three dancers in each age group (Junior 12 & younger and Senior 13 & older) who will compete again in the Final Callback Dance-Off.
*In the event insufficient entries are received Improv will be scored as a regular category and will not have the callback element.
Any routine that consists of ethnic or cultural moves and music (Ukrainian, Highland, Bollywood, etc) No more than four (4) acro tricks.
Any routine consisting of jazz technique. No more than four (4) acro tricks.
Any routine that interprets the lyrics of a song through lyrical movements. No more than four (4) acro tricks.
Any routine consisting of traditional modern techniques (Graham, Horton etc). No more than four (4) acro tricks.
Musical Theatre/Lip Sync
Any routine that uses lip-sync to portray a character or story. There is no limit on acro tricks in this category.
Any routine that does not fit into another category. Please do not enter a second solo of a discipline in this category, dancers may compete additional solos of the same discipline in the age category up.
Any routine in which pointe shoes are worn. Can be classical or contemporary style.
An extended routine, minimum 6:00 minutes, maximum 12:00. Can be any style or combination of styles. Minimum 12 dancers. There is no limit to acro tricks in the production category. Please note all production routines will compete against each other regardless of average age.
Song And Dance
Any routine consisting of live vocals. NO pre-recorded vocals are permitted. A microphone will not be provided. Wanna Dance must be informed if you are bringing a microphone a minimum of three (3) days prior to the competition start date.
*Wanna Dance Canada and/or venue staff will not be held responsible in the event a performance is affected by microphone use and/or poor sound quality.
Street Jazz/JAZZ FUNK
A routine combining Jazz and Hip Hop techniques. No more than four (4) acro tricks for solos/duets/trios and six (6) for groups/lines.
Any routine in which tap shoes are worn. NO pre-recorded tap sounds are permitted.
No more than four (4) acro tricks for solos/duets/trios and six (6) for groups/lines.
** An acro trick is classified as any movement in which the hips pass over the head. A tumbling pass counts as one (1) trick. Does not include floor work (Ex: Back rolls), illusions or partner work. A 10 point deduction will be incurred for each acro trick above the category limit.